Rental Rates for Morgridge Commons

Our Community Mission

Due to the generosity of various donors and partners, the intent of Morgridge Commons is to create a vibrant, collaborative community space for groups and individuals in non-profit, government and private organizations. The rates/fees were established to be generously subsidized while also sufficient to offset the annual operating expenses of the space. Dedicated staff, state-of-the-art technology, and a catering kitchen are amenities that are covered by the fees and offered to our community organizations.

Room Rates

GARFIELD 1 70/38 $25/hr $50/hr $40/hr $60/hr
GARFIELD 2 90/52 $25/hr $50/hr $40/hr $60/hr
GARFIELD 3 70/36 $25/hr $50/hr $40/hr $60/hr
DELAPLANE 60/36 $30/hr $60/hr $60/hr $90/hr
CMC TRUSTEES 10/8 $10/hr $30/hr $20/hr $40/hr
GATES 10/6 $10/hr $30/hr $20/hr $40/hr
BOETTCHER 15/12 $10/hr $30/hr $20/hr $40/hr

*Auditorium arrangement maximum/classroom arrangement maximum.

** After Hours: 5pm to 9pm on weekdays and all day Saturday. Weekday evening hours available upon request. 

Weekends: Saturday will be available for reservation upon request with a minimum of a 4 hour rental. Morgridge Commons is closed Sundays.

Fundraisers: One non-profit fundraising event will be available for reservation upon request per quarter. 

Kitchen Rental Rates

Rate is based on the number of meeting rooms reserved.

Number of Meeting Rooms Reserved Daily  Kitchen Rate
One Room $25
Two Rooms $50
Three Rooms $75
Four Rooms $100

If the Kitchen is already reserved, we can accommodate some of your food requests in your room for a $20 food fee.

IT Support Rates

IT support is provided upon request.

  • Regular Business Hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm) $35/hr
  • After Hours (Monday-Friday after 5:00 pm until 9pm and Saturday until 9pm) $50/hr